DNS Record Tool

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What is DNS lookup?

A DNS lookup typically refers to the process of converting easy to remember names called domain names (like www.google.com) into numbers called IP addresses (like
Computers use these numbers to communicate with each other on the Internet, but these numbers would be difficult for humans to remember and can change from time to time when network configuration changes are required.
A great way to think of a DNS lookup is similar to the contact list on your phone, but a special one where it has everybody’s name without them having told you their number, and if they get a new number, your phone automatically updates it. You don’t need to remember each of your contact’s numbers, but searching for their name is quick and easy. When you select their name to make a call, your phone will automatically use their current phone number.


What is DNS Record Types?

  • A record: the most basic type of record, also known as address record, provides an IPv4 address to a domain or sub-domain name. That record points the domain name to an IP address.
  • AAAA record: maps the hostname to a 128-bit IPv6 address. For a long time, 32-bit IPv4 addresses served the purpose of identifying a computer on the internet. But due to the shortage of IPv4, IPv6 was created. The four "A" s (AAAA) are mnemonic to represent that IPv6 is four times larger than IPv4.
  • CNAME record: also known as Canonical Name record, creates an alias of one domain name. The aliased domain or sub-domain gets all the original Domain's DNS records and is commonly used to associate subdomains with the existing main domain. Use the CNAME Lookup tool to dig deeper.
  • MX record: also known as Mail Exchange records, tells which mail exchange servers are responsible for routing the email to the correct destination or mail server. For detailed analysis, use MX Record Lookup.
  • NS record: also known as Name Server records, points to the name servers with authority in managing and publishing DNS records of that domain. These DNS servers are authoritative in handling any query related to that domain. Use the NS Lookup tool to dig deeper.
  • PTR record: also known as Pointer record, points the IPv4 or IPv6 address to its machine's hostname. It provides a reverse DNS record, or rDNS record, by pointing an IP address to the server's hostname. Use the Reverse IP Lookup tool to dig deeper.
  • SRV record: also known as Service record, indicates which specific services the domain operates and port numbers. Internet protocols such as the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) often require SRV records.
  • SOA record: also known as Start of Authority records, provides essential information about the domain, like identifying the master node of the domain authoritative nameserver, an email of the domain administrator, the serial number of the DNS zone, etc.
  • TXT record: allows the website's administrator to insert any arbitrary text in the DNS record.
  • CAA record: also known as Certification Authority Authorization record, reflects the public policy regarding issuing digital certificates for the domain. If no CAA record exists for your domain, any Certification Authority can issue an SSL certificate. However, using this record, you can restrict which CA is authorized to issue digital credentials for your domain.
  • DS record: also known as Delegation Signer record, consists of the unique characters of your public key and its related metadata like Key Tag, Algorithm, Digest Type, and cryptographic hash value called Digest. Use the DS Lookup tool to dig deeper.
  • DNSKEY record: also known as DNS Key record, containing public signing keys like Zone Signing Key (ZSK) and Key Signing Key (KSK). The DS and DNSKEY records validate the authenticity of DNS records returned by the DNS Server. Use DNSKEY Lookup to dig deeper.